Training to Teachers at Surkhet Multiple Campus

About ODEC

Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC, TU) established in 2015 by a decision of Executive Council of Tribhuvan University, is a constituent independent academic organization of Tribhuvan University. The aim of ODEC is to provide access of quality higher education to mass people in Nepal through open and distance learning mode.

Dr. Purna Bahadur Kandel

Dr. Purna Bahadur Kandel


Dr. Purna Bahadur Kandel, Associate Professor of English Education at Tribhuvan University in Nepal, has taught at the Department of English Education for more than two decades. He earned Ph.D. in English Education from The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad in 2014. He has served as an editor of Journal of NELTA from 2017-2020. He conducted a couple of national-level researches from the University Grants Commission, Nepal. His interest areas include developing language through literature and exploring indigenous knowledge through action research.

Dr. Indra Raj  Upadhyaya

Dr. Indra Raj Upadhyaya

Deputy Director

Dr. Indra Raj Upadhyaya is a Deputy Directot at Open and Distance education Center.

Suraj Prasad Shrestha

Suraj Prasad Shrestha

Deputy Finance Controller

Mr Suraj Prasad Shrestha is a Deputy Finance Controller at Open and Distance Education Office (ODEC). He has been managing the finance and internal audit system at Tribhuvan University.

Anjana Rajbhandari

Anjana Rajbhandari

Section Officer (Admin Head)

Ms. Anajana Rajbhandari is an admin head at the Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC). She has been working in the admin section for more than a decade. She has completed MAsters' in Public Administration (MPA) and POst-graduate in Women Studies from Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

Bindu Neupane

Bindu Neupane

IT Officer

Bindu Neupane is an IT officer at Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC). She assists in admin documentation and IT works. She has completed Master' in Information Technology from Purbanchal University, Nepal

Purshottam Shrestha

Purshottam Shrestha


Purshottam Shrestha is an accountant at Open and Distance Education Centre (ODEC), Tribhuvan University. He maintains the accounting system in ODEC in consultation with Finance Controller.

Kubir Rai

Kubir Rai

Office Assistant

Kubir Rai is Storekeeper at Oen and Distance Education Center.He has completed Masters of Business Studies from Tribhuvan university.He works in Store as well as assist daily administration work.